Erickson is a name that has been associated with glass for three generations now. See that tall guy leaning against the wall? That’s Walter Erickson, our first generation in glass. The rack truck out front is rumored to be their first glass truck with an engine! While we are not positive where this picture is taken we believe it is either Duluth Minnesota or Rockford Illinois in the late ’20s – early ’30s.
Walter’s parents came to America from Sweden and his family settled in Minnesota, eh? After he met, fell in love with and married his wife Mary, they moved their three young children to Toledo, OH in 1953 for the increased opportunities the city boasted. Working as a glazier over the years Walter cultivated a dream of opening his own glass house here in Toledo. Although an early death prevented the realization of Walter’s dream, it was apparently transferred to his two sons who both opened their own shop. One brother took on the residential side of things; the other took on the commercial end. Interstate Commercial Glass & Door was launched by the younger of the two sons, Dan Erickson, with his wife Pam. Now into the third generation, Interstate is being run by Dan and Pam’s children, Walter and Keegan. I guess you could say glass is in our bloodline. That’s just the way we like it.
With decades of combined experience, we have thrived in an atmosphere of constant change and challenge, impacting laws, technology, and applications. We are at the forefront of technological innovation, proactively leading with ever-new methods that increase safety, productivity, quality, design, and economy. We are proud to be a second-generation business and a third generation in the industry.
We extend our sincerest gratitude to the Toledo area for letting us call you home and aiding us in the growth that has brought us to this point. We look forward to continuing to serve you and your many needs in our shared future. Thanks, Toledo!